søndag 17. april 2011


I think easter came a week early for me. I threw my bachelor to the wind after writing the same paragraph for about 1500 words and leap into a world of long walks by the river and frolicking in the wilderness of music and fashion.

About a year and a half ago I saw an amazing Japanese music act at Landmark in Bergen. A stage for new media and cultural expression. It was a date with a guy who turned out to be a bit of a tool, but regardless it is one of the best concerts I've been to! Last Tuesday I finally got to see my Japanese hero of the ukulele again: Shugo Tokumaru played John Dee in Oslo. My friend D-bag was supposed to come with me, but fucked off at the last minute. I thought: "this must be a good sign, if a dude turns into a tool for the evening the concert will once again be great!" It was!

(via 2ingvild)

But I would not leave my week at that. I had an entire easter of family fun/boredom ahead of me! I decided to put on my trendiest socks and go to a blogparty. I feel it might verge on black hole creation if I blog to much about another blog and the party that blog hosted... But as a true Norwegian, I would go to the opening of a Bunnpris if there was free alcohol, but since this is fashion-related and blogrelated there is photographic evidence of my presence!

It was a great party until the alcohol ran out, but there where some interesting characters there with coked up noses whom would touch you inappropriately and tell you the most random fun facts. An example being a women only slightly older than me whom, in a stiletto dance of fashionable hair flowing to the rhythm of the bass spewed by the celebrity DJ and with her long skirt and haut cuture face; while touching my trench coat said: "I'm so old that I remember this from the first time it was in."
All I could do was look back at the fashionable woman with a crooked smile and say "O.K" while secretely thinking, "who is this goddess of time? Has she seen the world of old Hollywood, where Audrey Hepburn stands in the rain in 1961, her trench coat soaked, waiting for her man?" or "is she slightly older than me and remembers seeing a trench coat of similar color in a early episode of Friends?
The strange womans fashionable superiority was lost on me either way and I could not love my coat more!
(Photos: Solveig Selj)
Hare Krishna

mandag 11. april 2011

I can't sleep, I can't sleep...

...I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep!

This happens every Sunday-Monday of every week! I have the sleep pattern of a bat during the weekend and end up with a headache and insomnia during the glorious weekend night which turns to week at a painfully slow rate while I fill my knowledge-gap with downloaded ridiculousness like documentaries about the inner workings of the dog brain. Sadly, there are not enough rage-comics too keep me occupied until a morning which, yet again, holds another day of explaining why I haven't gotten further on my bachelor degree paper (pure laziness and dogumentaries).

I drag my pale, bruised and dehydrated soul out of bed on Sunday afternoons, let the feeling of accomplishment from the weekend wash over me in a collage of awkward phrasing and scattered images of horrid dance-moves. I get dressed in a confused mix of patterns and fabrics, let my face breathe without the confides of make-up and waddle out the door to greet the day (usually forgetting either my phone, wallet or keys; sometimes, all of the above)
It's the worst thing a person in a delicate state can do on a Sunday, be outdoors.

I'm immediately met by bright-eyed children, bumping in to my legs, screaming fearlessly at cute animals and inadvertently grabbing my clammy hand thinking I'm mom. Parents beaming at them whilst suspiciously measuring the creepiness of my dark sunglasses against the apparent lack of muscle. They soon forget me as the child moves away and I disappear behind the nearest lamppost.. Yeah, I'm skinny like that!

I stroll by the river while gossip from the weekends frivolities fill my phone until I have the honour of telling a complete stranger that her dress has made it's way from covering her bottom, to being part of the inside of her purse.

A good deed has been done, and I can safely go home to take a nap. After a disastrous two hour nap I awake, the sun has vanished and it leaves me with nap-induced confusion and hunger until I can fall asleep again. I can fall asleep again at about now, 6am. If I do, this day will be repeated tomorrow!

The horror! I write to you, to stay awake whilst contemplating how horrible tomorrow will be!

Hare Krishna
