søndag 14. mars 2010

Ice flow, nowhere to go?

I'm little Johnny frostbite, but I'm about to do the only thing to escape the freeze: Go to Australia and Singapore! Five weeks of unlimited bliss. Owl-boy even got me a ticket to see The Go! Team. I do however have to get rid of my fear of babies to do my auntly duties in Australia. I tried watching cute baby-videos on youtube, but that just freaked me out and made me feel like a child-stalking pedophile. I'm not confident, but hopeful that I will end up the official living baby monitor for the red-headed bundle of joy and not be afraid to touch her little babyness. It will be green, warm and I will be scantly clothed!

My flight leaves at 0630AM tomorrow morning; wish me luck and a steady airplane with a sober pilot! And wish me the sun!

Hare Krishna

fredag 12. mars 2010

The Tale of the Crazy Phone Lady

What just happened? How? Where was the logic? Has she not understood the basic function of a mobile phone?

As I write this in my qute little red notebook I'm sitting in Gardermoen Airport, Oslo. I had to write it in the moment, stream of consciousness-like, since it really is not something you see every day.

I'm sitting in the airport, minding my own business, listening to music and reading a book; when I, through my music(!) heard a dialog going on right next to me between a lady and her phone. She was sitting all by her lonesome, on the bench, right next to me, speaking to someone on her phone.
Normal you say?
Indeed, except that she is completely alone and still has her friend on speakerphone. She is loud and her friend on the ther end of the line is equally loud and blissfully unawhare that her friend has put her on speaker....

I'm just waiting for them to stray from their current "How's work?" kind of polite conversation and start speaking in detail about their lovelife; they are clearly friends, so why wouldn't they, or at least the one sitting at home feeling secure in her privacy whilst not knowing shes on the phone in front of the whole gate 28. Apparently Crazy Phone Ladys daughters has got worms in her stomach and is feeling ill. Her kids like to snowboard, except Florian of course (why is that "of course"? I'm sickly curious) The lady on the other end of the line is Sara. Sara is starting a blog about her skiing vacation this Easter. I can't help but wonder what kind of person Sara is, if I can find her blog and if she has any idea that she's on speaker.

Damn, they just ended the call. Crazy Phone Lady got a book out of her bag. I wonder if she'll start reading it out loud to no one in particular...? No, never mind, she read about a sentence, put it back in her bag and got going. I should think she whent to the bathroom to look at her own reflection, because that's the only thing such a self-involved person could possibly care to do when the Gate 28ts full attention no longer is on her!

Hare-What. The. Hell.


søndag 7. mars 2010


One of the most famous "super" models of the moment is without a doubt danish Freja Beha Erichsen, but she also holds a very special place in my heart because she has the exact same body-type as me. She pretty much looks like a boy, as do I. So if you ever wondered what I look like naked, here you are (although I think my breasts, at least the left one... might just be a little bigger). Just slap on a picture of my face on this body and you've got me. I wish I had her sence of cool tatoos though, shes got some wicked ones!

Sadly I don't remember what magazine this editorial is from but she, as all famous people has a website for more tatooed skinnyness.

Hare Krishna


Pictures of the magical me!

Oh sweet internet, has it been that long? I have been internet-less for almost a week today; it stopped working last Monday whilst I was in the midst of a week of two papers due at university. It was as is God was punishing me for being one of the lucky...well, many able to see Alice in Wonderland before its premier. Therefore I am now sitting in a beer/rave drenched computer room at the student radio craphole where I work (at least I don't need to wear make-up here, because I'm not here nearly enough for anyone to recognize me).

This is all beside the point of this post, because I'm really just popping by the internet to show you the pictures the lovely Anette Schive took of me last Saturday (right after seeing that man get chopped into tiny pieces by a moving train). She made me feel at ease under the circumstances and I think the pictures came out rather well:

Anette "the photographer" Schive has magical lensic powers. I assume you've seen some of my tagged images on facebook, how that gollum-like ugly duckling turned into the swan you see in these images, you'll have to ask Anette. See move of her work here, as well as contact information.

Pray for me in my internetless existence, Hare Krishna
