mandag 27. juli 2009

My new love affair

"Andy Warhol would have loved Lissy Trullie: Not only does she boast deadly downtown looks -- striking, model thin and with a penchant for bowler hats -- she's got the attitude and serious songwriting chops to match. Her dangerously cool tunes, which mash up dancey new wave, '60's girl-group sounds and the softer side of the Velvet Underground, hit upon the core aloofness that typifies most great New York rock. Simply put, Trullie's magnetism is the kind that can't be learned." -TIME OUT NEW YORK

I just love this video; especially her style in it! There is just something about girls who can look sexy with short hair...

lørdag 25. juli 2009

I am having some annoying insomniac tendencies today and therefore I shall watch this incredible film I bought I bought for 10 or 20 kroner at Platekompaniet whilst meandering one lazy hungover Sunday afternoon. Look how excited I was at the prospects of BRAIN DEAD, from the makers of Twilight Zone. How is that not a recipe for success?!

I must see it NOW!


fredag 24. juli 2009


Doing some serious train riding tonight, I'll be in Bergen at 7am:(
At least I'm doing it in style: Carlberg, Raw Shark Texts, Stratos, a bunch of 17year olds getting drunk and playing cards and some weird old man staring non-stop at me....


Hare Krishna


torsdag 23. juli 2009

H&M Divided Exclusive fw09

Before you scuff, roll your eyes and mumble the undoubted fact that I'm obviously not a fashion blogger and this H&M Divided exclusive f/w 09 collection has been blogged, twitted, facebooked about since april/may, realize this: frankly I did not like the prospects of summer ever ending, especially not before it began, but now... Yes now, the fickle Norwegian weather forces me to pop out of my summer-bliss and realize that it will not last forever; therefore I take solace in this collection of awesome grungy-ness! You see, I want to dress like a cross between Captain Jack Sparrow, Lou Doillon, Mary-Kate Olsen, Karen O and Cassie from Skins and I think for once H&M can help me on that quest!

Hare Krishna


tirsdag 21. juli 2009

Why Do You Have A Kid?

I found this (and many of its brothers and sisters) highly disturbing pic on a tumblr blog appropriately named Why the Fuck Do You Have A Kid? and felt it had to be shared with the rest of my diminutive, but still puissant bloggiverse.

I cannot get my head around why people don't just wrap it in a condom or pop contraceptive pills once a day? I've heard somewhere that it's cool to have children now, but people seem to forget that we are generally pretty stupid and children don't get the chance to choose their parents!

Luckily we've invented amphetamines to smooth out family life and for people whom might want to stay awake long enough to set fire to tents Sunday night at Roskilde festival and feel it can be justified verbally as the fire department struggles to put them out... As I preach the good word: safe sex, I can't help to flash back to my own frolicking at Roskilde Festival. Where is the line? How much do you have to drink to think that dirty tent-sex is a good idea? I still don't know, but as usual I let my stupid drugged festival brain talk me into doinking an unsuspecting friend in a tent without a condom and therefore rendered my Protect Your Body T-shirt designed by Robin ironic.
Serendipity spat the luck of how I had a stint of living in Denmark and I could therefore find this fortrydelsespille (Morning-After pill) without any particular frustration or gesticulation; and the look on the pharmacists face reassured me that I was in NO way the only stupid festival sexy-timer she'd seen.

Now all I have to do is go to the gynaecologist and figure out what kind of genital swine flu I've been infected with... I will keep you posted...

Hare Krishna


Said I never wanted to get married, but...

If I can have this on top of my wedding cake I might reconsider the whole bizarre tradition of spending obscene amounts of money for a piece of paper your most likely to exchange for a less romantic separation/divorce paper after a few regretful years!

It's incredible! You might look at it and find it slightly disturbing, but look at the detail on it: bullet-holes, blood, flowers, doves, skeleton poking through dead skin, the ghostly dead zombie eyes and the detail on the wedding outfits (especially the tuxedo).
It's serene and sends a modern message of "ever after"!

Sadly it's sold out, but knowing Etsy to be a place for insane artists to go extra nutter-butter, there will be more! Even though its sold out here is the link for the Zombie Bride and Groom

I'm THIS happy to be back on the web, subconsciously thinking of marrying it!

Hare Krishna


onsdag 15. juli 2009

Mobile posting!

My silly computer has completely given up on me. Appharently my computer (Leif-Johnny) knows that I'm too trendy for my own good and therefore has cut me off from the interweb.. BAAAAASTAAAARD! I don't react well to weblessness. It makes me talk more than usual, to myself...

As you can see from the top of my post, during my mianderings about in my neighbourhood in Bergen I found a bird in an uncomfortable position an now I feel it perfectly describes my current webless turmoil!

Do birds flap about like crazy when they die by windshield as well or is it just hen they get their heads chopped off? I really want to know, if anyone knows please hollar at me! And do animals poop when they die, South Park style?

I'm feeling very morbid today, might it be the lack of interweb messing up my brainbox?

Postywosting by mobile, annoying as crying babies on airplanes, but cool!

Hare Krishna

