lørdag 20. februar 2010

Look, It's me! In Oslo Fashion Week 2010!

I'm sick as a fish about to go belly up today, so I've been soothing my clogged head with some blog-searching for myself. I thought some of you lovely people might not have taken such an extreme interest in my modelling as to have stumbled upon the handful images of me scattered around the inter-web so therefore I have taken it upon myself to gather up some for you to see (P.S whilst writing this short passage I had to get up to blow my nose three times...3!)
Opening ceremony of Oslo Fashion Week 2010. I'm walking for the first design collection of the day NICE. (db.no)

Marvel comics inspired my favourite designers of OFW Flinga Clothing. They are my age and love superheroes and bad movies with lots of action in them. What more can one ask for?
You can see a climpse or two of me on this video from SMUG-TV!

I found some images of me from after the Flinga F/W 2010 show where I was marked as GUEST. Good job fashion week people for not recognizing my slightly runway-like makeup. Fun though, me and my pear!

Last and least, for a reason, there are some images from Tina H. I love her and her clothing, but as you can see I was not to happy about the hairpiece on top of my head and frankly I look like a man in a really futuristically cool dress. LOVE her clothes, but manly-McManface nonetheless...

I haven't been able to find any pictures from the Kristar Design show yesterday, but that might be for the best...

Hare Krishna

3 kommentarer:

  1. DU ER HELT RÅ VENNEN :) :) :) LOVE YOU <3 <3 <3

    Du er F.. meg helt rå lekker :) endelig er deu der du skal :) fy pokker så kult sirus :) helt rått :) drit kult assa :) virkelig :)


