lørdag 6. februar 2010

I found some pictures!

After a strenuous five seconds of google-blog-searching I found some pictures from the show, with me in them!
I'm the one with my back to the camera...
See, the praying worked, my shoes weren't that bad... It did however make me seem shorter than the two ladies next to me (Which I am, but slap on some higher shoes and let the illusion be complete)
The two ladies in front stood for the hair cuts, colour and design!

Hare Krishna

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hurra! Jeg hadde ikke det minste tvil om at de ville bruke deg! Gratulerer Siren!

  2. Tusen takk:D Det var nok good karma at du trodde på det! ;) Håper du har det flott og varmt der nede/borte! Spank

