søndag 31. januar 2010

Revisiting my 90s

These are the kind of memories you have of the nineties if you, like me thought your older brother was the cooles and radest person in the world and you'd listen to EVERYTHING he listened to. I think the nineties where better for us lucky ones with older siblings to look up to and whom would scare the pants of anyone who dared bully their little sister. (There where a few bastard bullies since the nineties where a time of religious freedom, which in turn meant my parents where free to remove me from all the Christianity based lessons in school... Since being tall, shy and thin wasn't enough!)

Man-voice be damned, I sooo wanted to be her!

This was my hero when I was about ten-elevenish (before he got all weird and somewhat of a violent paedophile...) and this was my favourite song... "Spiritually raped" In hindsight and my limited grasp of the English language aside I might have felt this man and particularly this song understood my feelings towards religion, in my case, Jehovah Witnesses. I did feel spiritually raped. It sounds harsh, but involuntary religious upbringing of that magnitude is a form of mind-rape! I still get the cry/sweats every time my mum asks me if I want to come with them to a meeting...

I can't forget the other heroes of mine in the nineties. I feel a slight pattern of tom-boy girls... and Johnny Depp because he was soooooo dreamy!

Hare Krishna


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