torsdag 21. januar 2010

Animals are living creatures!

I am shocked and appaled at humanity, including myself! When did we evolve to the point where the only people who can withstand a little snow are EMOs under the age of sixteen and what I can only assume where their parents?! I left half way through because of hunger, cold and a meeting I have to be at at eight O'clock, but I could have stayed quite a bit longer and still made it...

I went to the protest against animal cruelty and for their rights today and was actually shocked to see how few of the people there where between the age of nineteen and thirty-five. There where some, even two in weelchirs, but the general population were missing. I think we need to get better at vocalizing our opinions on the things that matter. I realize that most of the stuff I write about in my blog aren't and that writing about animal rights in the same blog I write about fashion might to some be ironic, but I believe even the smallest action towards a better life for humans and animals alike is a step in the right direction. So therefore, excuse my hypocrisy and I assure you that I will never knowingly buy a real fur coat! Please stop hunting animals for sport and improve their living conditions on those BIG. ASS. industrial farms!

If you want to help the fight for animal rights, you can sign up at NOAH (the people in charge of todays protest) I did!

Hare Krishna


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