I recieved an e-mail from Pholk yesterday and as you might know I thought, possibly, It could be the inevitable "none of the designers wanted you to walk for them in Oslo Fashion Week 2010" e-mail. Therefore I swallowed the green lump of anticipation in my through, put my expectations down as low as I could and reluctantly opened the potentially lethal e-mail.
It was a job! Wella Norway wanted to use my "modelling expertise" in their fashion show (I presume it is a hair-style dominated event) of the Mote med Mening 2010 fashion extravagance. I am both excited and nervous. They actually want to send a complete spazz like me onto a catwalk to show off their fashion genius. I feel an overwhelming pressure not to trip and fall on my face... I feel it miiiiight just take some of the attention away from the hair!
But, if they cant do it, how can I possibly? I only have two weeks to perfect my walk; the show is on the February 5th!
Chant with me: Sensible shoes in the show, sensible shoes, sensible shoes, sensible shoes!

Hare Krishna
gratulerer :D
SvarSlettOh, wow, congratulations! That's so awesome :D
SvarSlettTakk :D:D gleder meg!