Behold! James May off of Top Gear was in that wine tasting program, being dry-humoured and weird and I absolutely loved it! Why? Are James May, Richard Hammond and Jeremy Clarkson hypnotizing me with some kind of Bugatti Veyron, "We-hate-the-Prius-because-it's-a-big-fat-fake-that-causes-just-as-much-pollution-as-a-supercar" aberration of my pink squishy thinker?
I read weird books about memory/thought-eating sharks made of letters and words; and books about films that never existed about houses with expanding and retracting hallways that slowly disintegrates everything inside it and disappear. I go to art museums and am a member of a film "club." I read Vogue! VOGUE damn it!
I don't even have a drivers licence. Well, that's not entirely true, a have a scooter licence that I got at school when I was sixteen and have never used. It rumbles the core of my thought-machine that I can find a show about cars this entertaining.
The kinds of people who watch the show voted THIS to be the best driving music of all time:
10 Fleetwood Mac "The Chain"
9 AC/DC "Highway to Hell"
8 Led Zeppelin "Immigrant Song"
7 Kenny Loggins "Danger Zone"
6 Motörhead "Ace of Spades"
5 Deep Purple "Highway Star"
4 Steppenwolf "Born to Be Wild"
3 Meat Loaf "Bat Out of Hell"
2 Golden Earring "Radar Love"
1 Queen "Don't Stop Me Now"
(I can't tell you why the list is the wrong way around, I simply copied it off Wikipedia, so take it up with the petrol-heads who wrote it. It should be noted that a Top Gear watching person/persons probably wrote this and thought it a grand and ingenious idea to have a descending list... A person with the mental capacity of a labradoodle in other words)
Just look at this ridiculous image:
Hare Krishna and I'll see you next season Top Gear!
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