mandag 17. august 2009

Milking brains

This is finally happening, start of a new semester at the University of Oslo. I almost didn't come back for another semester because the last one was so mindbogglingly tedious that my brain box thought it wise to quit and look for greener pastures in the bosoms of a full-time job. HA, ridiculaaaaaaas! I was not made in Gods image to sit behind a counter at the local gas-station for a year, I was made for greater things! Not save the world great, but at least entertain and annoy the world.

I shall not settle for mediocrity, damn it!

This is why I have chosen to study Aesthetics another semester and there I shall jam the proverbial straw into the brains of professors and doctorate students to sooth my insatiable need for knowledge; that I probably won't need outside a discussion at UiO... I shall grow evermore of an artsy-fartsy besserwisser, sip red wine, smoke my marlboro "ridiculasly lights" and force whomever lends me their ear to understand that my name-dropping is more intelligent than theirs!

And with that I leave you with a photograph of the way I like my angles and boring old grass put to good use:

Hare Krishna


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