onsdag 26. august 2009

The Death of Bunny Munro

The new book by Nick Cave is so close I can taste it! I might just have to order it off the internet... Check out the website for this sick ass masterpiece:The Death of Bunny Munro

Nick Cave reads excerpt from Chapter 3

Nick Cave reads excerpt from Chapter 10

Nick Cave reads excerpt from Chapter 11

Nick Cave reads excerpt from Chapter 17

‘Put Cormac McCarthy, Franz Kafka and Benny Hill together in a Brighton seaside guesthouse and they might just come up with Bunny Munro. A compulsive read possessing all Nick Cave’s trademark horror and humanity, often thinly disguised in a galloping, playful romp.’

Sweet jumping Jehovah I can't wait for this book to be released in Norway in September! I love this man!

AAAAAAHare Krishna

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