mandag 11. mai 2009

There is no doubt in my mind that you were one of the best people to ever walk this planet. I could always come to you throughout my childhood if I felt a little out of place. You always had the meatballs ready and always knew what to say to make me feel better. I never saw you angry or sad, even though I knew you were sometimes. You were too proud and strong to show it. Who else would have let me play with priceless artefacts from around the world without question. You're the poshest person I know, but still it seemed like material things never mattered that much.

You've sailed around the world and survived wars. The stories you told never got boring.

Even though you had an extraordinary life, it ended in years of confusion. I never want to get old... I'm so sorry I didn't visit you more often, I couldn't be strong for you when you needed me. I'm not strong like you. I thought you'd live forever...for me...

I love you and I miss you

Harriet Kitty Løkaas (1924-2009)

1 kommentar:

  1. Så deg da jeg satt på trikken i stad, hvis du hadde på olajakke. HEE

