There is nothing funny about walking alone at 5AM. Me and a fellow future Aesthetics know it all created a spur of the moment pre-party last night where literally threes of people showed up, but it was an enjoyable evening; the kind of evening where it needn't be a more the merrier frenzy! Good wine.. well, wine, music and agreeable if not titillating conversation. I stayed there until her boyfriend came home from a party about 4-5am before snuggling into my impossibly beautiful and excruciatingly high-heeled pumps to walk a short distance to the nearest taxi.
As I walked out the door of her building in Frogner I felt the cool breeze and suddenly sensed a belonging with the outdoors; I thought: "I should walk a bit, I don't walk around at 5am nearly enough"
As I stood there marvelling at the prodigy of night whilst fiddling the ever-entangled earphones attached to my ZEN a handsome man stumbles drunkenly towards me asking me to help him call someone with his smart phone. Ironic, no? I giggled at the thought of a complicated smart phone. After my act of heroic mobile problem-solving he asked a question that made me doubt my outfit and the thought of walking at 5am: "Hm, why are you here so late? A "short" visit (wink-wink, nudge-nudge)?" Did he think the high-heeled, shortskirted, bow-tie wearing chippie with the dark make-up was a prostitute? I'm pretty sure he did until my flustered look and explanation; at that moment I decided to take a taxi the whole way home...
Luckily my appearance struck a chord with the taxi driver, not a big enough chord to get me into coital turmoil, but I did pay just 200kr for a taxi from Frogner all the way home to Jomfrubråten. Made my day!
Hare Krishna (I'm off to see Wolverine!!!)
Aerosol Can Sunscreen Spray: Tips, Tricks & Everything You Need to Know
for 6 timer siden
Pussig, trodde alle jentene på Frogner kledde seg i 2 meter høye hæler, kort skjørt og tversoversløyfe? Eller kanskje han ble forvirret siden "pene" piker på denne kanten av byen også har falske pupper som henger utenfor kjolen?
SvarSlett- Heidi