fredag 15. mai 2009

Between a rock and a crazy place

I am soon to be caught between to devilish insatiable spending crazes. I must reluctantly admit to the fact that I seem to have a devious tendency towards addictive behaviour. I don't mean drugs, I have sensibly scared myself silly in that respect.

My current craze is EBAY. EBAY is a place where dreams are born. EBAY is a deity that cannot be written with in anything but capitol letters. I might never buy clothes anywhere else. Their vintage clothing selection stimulates my insatiable taste for weirdo 80s fashion, pretty dresses and insanely high heeled shoes. EBAY however, does not respect our, and my economic crisis. Obviously I care immensely more about my own economy than that of the world... aka USA... EBAY is like winning, one feels like a winner every time a bidding war is won, damned be the price! Until one realises that payment is due, but it is usually manageable. Money always seems to pop up from the infinite depths of the credit hole, at present. I fear it won't last long.

But now I have a new problem. I just saw the new Star Trek cinematic nerd-pull and instantly loved it like a dear aunt. I went in with trepidation and a preconceived notion of that I would like this picture in the way I liked the new Star Wars pictures in their time: not that much.
After gosling down every witty comment, curiously peering at the different species of aliens and my heart rate elevate and fists clench at the special effects and stuff blowing up, I fear I might soon arrive in the ranks of nerds and Spock-dressing creeps as divulged in the cast of The Big Bang Theory, except I'll be stupid.

What happens if one combines poverty, fashion obsession, EBAY and trekki-ness?! It will be my "red matter"(see I'm already starting up the Star Trek talk... It means I will collapse into myself until I vanish)

I must nip it at the but and fight the urge to watch the ten or so movies and millions of episodes of Star Trek in existence. I think I can manage, I've heard most of it's crap. Although, the new Spock is one tasty alien nerd!

Winona Ryder's his mum (Spock, not Zachary Quinto)!!

Live long and prosper


1 kommentar:

  1. Zachary Quinto is the yummiest treat on the galaxy...just give me 10 minutes alone with him!

