I stayed in a wonderfully rustic “hotel” called The Camden Lock Hotel right next to a shockingly loud music club called BarFly. It looked exiting, but sadly I never set foot in it. A thing to know about living in Camden lock is that if you ever want to sleep, don’t live there… I however, did not want to sleep and therefore the hotel was perfect for me and my equally insane, drunkard friend Maria.
I did some shopping research for our trip. Research might be pushing it a bit; all I did was browse my fashion guru Susie Bubbles blog: http://www.stylebubble.co.uk/style_bubble/

My hearts desire was met both emotionally and shoppingly by Berty and Gerty Vintage (http://www.bertyandgerty.co.uk/cart.php) where I dribbled over agonisingly beautiful vintage stuff many a time; the second day I came there the preposterously attractive Australian merchant recognised me from the day before. I instantly fell in love with him and therefore blushed, stammered and lost all grasp of the English language in his presence. Still I bought a pair of black gentlemen’s shoes, a huge (fake) fur coal and Native American inspired belt.
I fell in love with many other nameless individuals in Camden Lock. A man with the facial hair of Eugene Hütz, every good-looking Britpop-grunger in tight jeans, a funny little man in a shoe shop and Scar in The Lion King (the musical).
This shop was only a small part of the wondrous universe of the Camden Lock markets where I laid down a Paris Hilton’esq amount of money on jewellery, T-shirts, artwork and general knickknack. I especially love my toy car ring and playmo broche!
We found a day to meander about Oxford Street. We did however not meander; we came up from the underground, found Top Shop to be a divine four floor haven of fashion. As we picked every intriguing garment in the shop, a lovely Top Shop lady came up to us and gave us access to the VIP section dressing rooms with a lounge, personal assistance, no queuing and a check out counter only used by the VIPs. I even overheard an annoying lady taking incessantly about her “friend” Kate (I assume she meant Moss) and about their children and how happy they where that they could now dress their fashionable kids in Top Shop outfits. Deep in the pit of my soul I suspect this lady used the celebrity name to get out of the exasperation of public dressing rooms and endless queues, but all she really needed to do was talk loudly in a foreign language, be about 5’10, slender and look a bit trendy.
One mind-boggling self-esteem enhancing occurrence happened while promenading Camden Lock where a man stopped me on the busy street and told me about this book he was writing about London or people in London and asked if he could take my picture to use in his book. I really had to struggle as not to bulge out in a Singing in the Rain spectacle with this new-found acclaim of my style. “We need a good background” he said charmingly like any ageing photographer/author would. He placed me in the middle of a car-riddled street while reassuring me that he would watch for cars. How one watches for cars while peering through a camera lens I have yet to comprehend, but I survived. The pictures didn’t come out great inasmuch as the evil Njord constantly blew the hair across my face and my pasty skin colouring being exactly as the colour of wall in the background. But I still choose to see it as a testimony to my stylishness even though a very similar outfit only ensued stares and giggles in Norway.
I also have a dating tip for Camden Town (if one enjoys immense amounts of attention): wear a cool hat. It gives people an excuse to strike up a conversation.
And don’t talk to men from York. They seem to massively dislike London and everything foreign, possibly except Scandinavian girls half their age…
We met many an intriguing character while in London. To my despair some of them where French; since my friend speaks French I spent most of the time they where around confused and attention deprived. So I spent my time talking to a flamboyantly gay Brit who must have beet intrigued my mannish apparel that evening seeing as how he came on to me.
I wish I could give you more of a Lonely Planet introduction to Camden Lock, but I cant for the life of me remember the names of the places we shopped and drank at.
BarTok is the Camden bar that has the longest drinking time (3am). Gerty and Berty Vintage and Stables market are by fare the best places to shop, and Oxford Street is the place to shop in the posh shops.
Go to London and love it like I do!
Hare Krishna
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