tirsdag 17. mars 2009

"I like" outrage...!

As I sit cradling my ancient and massive laptop like a crazed, paedophile shopping centre Santa, inappropriately fiddling the immaculately tuned kids…KEYS I’ve gotten to know over the years; suddenly realizing that my mind is being poisoned by the all too familiar background droning of Hotel Cæsars dribbling, badly written characters(mute, sweet relief!), I start to ponder the addictive nature of technology and my own paradoxical relationship with it.

I will freely admit that I’m technologically retarded, somewhat by choice, but mostly as a result of my lack of understanding towards even the fundamental workings of anything one might power by the help of an electric socket.

I stubbornly claim to prefer the finger blackening feel of a newspaper, but still I spend more time reading the ever-updated online versions as not to dent my economic state. I also claim not to use any of the mind-boggling extra features you find on a mobile phone, but I refuse to go back the medieval times of the landline telephone. I Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Blog, but I don’t understand how it works.
I like knowing and understanding things, even trivial things like the name of the earth’s second moon, 3753 Cruithne or that a ducks quack does not echo. Sadly, not everything is worth knowing as I learnt after some brief wikipedia’ing about the internet. I came to the conclusion that technological ignorance sometimes actually is bliss.

Think about the origins of the internet for example: The internet was created by the military as a tool for their evildoings; luckily nobody cared. Then the universities started using the internet as an instrument for sharing information; sadly no one cared about this either. Finally the sleazebags of the world found that the internet could be the perspiring future of porn and suddenly everyone was interested and the internet as we know it was expeditiously created. Behold the power of boobs!

Now I spend a nauseating amount of time on our favourite cyber-pastime-doodle-playground Facebook and this is where my fickle pondering saw its origin today.
As a result of some novel-induced Orwellian discomfort and a sudden realization of the bone-chilling solitude living alone can forsooth be; I reluctantly chose to utter my despair in a Facebook status update: Siren Løkaas needs a hug.
Fully aware of my own reactions to status updates of this nature, I somewhat expected people to ignore it completely, but I had forgotten about the newish lazy-mans “I like” button on the page. That was what my emotionally charged, status-update lapse of facebook-judgement got me; an unexplained “I like.”

Why must everything be made so easy, quick and emotionless?

Hare Krishna


2 kommentarer:

  1. Eg har funnet bloggen din, og leser den faktisk ganske ofte. And i must say it cracks me up from time to time :P *sender deg en mental klem og ikke en i like, as we speak* - Christine

  2. Klem Siren. Vi har alle brug for minimum 7 klem om dagen. Åh så sjældent får man det.

