In the episode I encountered the future-doctor-son of the family has decided to find a wife (purely out of sexual frustration I presume), from what the show want us to think is momentary insanity (induced by living in a house lead by overly religious bunny-humping parents with the same views about the satanic condom as the Pope). He finds a lovely future-doctor-daughter of a Rabbi and the comedy presents itself. They like each other, they both like the Republican Party (however in a reversed Adam and Eve fashion where Adam took a bite of the treacherous apple first), they’re both overly religious and are both preposterously attractive.
However perfect this matrimonial match might seem, the show consists of the Jewish parents who protest against the inter-religious marriage, whilst maintaining how wonderful this goy-boy is in spite of his gentile ways and the Christian parents obviously taking the high road and “genuinely” pretending it’s an obstacle, but not a hindrance.
That’s some pretty obvious anti-Semitic ball-bag for any television program, not to say the least of a family show seen by millions of doe-eyed preachers daughters!
It continues with a restaurant conversation about sex… “Lets talk about sex until we get married and can actually practise the devious act” might not be a quote, but is the gist of the sexually brimming conversation which again is about as ill-conceived for tween telly as the Pope and George Bush blundering about in Africa saying that the condom is the rapping-paper of Beelzebubs throbbing truncheon of doom.
Why do we even have a show like Seventh Heaven on Norwegian television? I can’t begin to understand who can relate to a show like this here. Having lived in a racially segregated, hateful and morbidly obese part of rural America, I have seen the people who seem to think that watching a show of this nature fulfils their religious needs as well as reading the Bible would, but please put something else on TV2. MacGyver is a much better choice for the unemployed slot in the TV schedule and I know TV2 has it hidden somewhere in their stuffy basement… I only have four channels, give us a break will you!
I will refrain from watching it again and if I have to, I will never again drink heavily on a day that might give me a hangover of TV watching magnitude!
Lets compare...
Shocking resemblance aside, compare that many seasons of THAT show with a magazine from the intrusive but harmless Jehova's Witnesses and tell me which you find more intrusive in your life...
Sampai Jumpa and may you be blissfully unaware of what happens in Seventh Heaven!