Yesterday, as I was about to spend close to 300NOK of my
hard earned student loan on a new concealer I couldn't help but think about why I feel the need to put on a mask every day. For anyone who has seen me in person they know it's not a flamboyant facial mask; my body-mask far surpasses my facial one, but nonetheless I have come to the point where I can not walk out of my apartment without some (often useless) make-up on my skin.
Well enough is enough!
I have taken a picture of my neatly and freshly washed face without a trace of make-up on and am now about to share that with you. I am not ready to flaunt my pored and pimpled face out in public, but I feel a picture on my blog is sufficiently detached from reality... (plus, I shot the image with the camera on my sexy Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, nedless to say 3.2 pixels do not catch the full extent of my skin-issues...)

Almost, but with no further ado I present to you:

Hare Krishna
You're very pretty!
SvarSlettI understand what you mean, though. I think it's hard leaving the apartment without mascara, even though nobody really notice it if I leave it off. It feels unsafe, sort of.
-Maria Victoria
Thank you, that means alot:) I feel edgy and uncomfortable without make-up. Sometimes I feel like people are staring, noticing all the things I don't like about my skin... They probably don't, but I keep thinking about them and my self-confidence runs away in protest of my stupidity!