søndag 4. oktober 2009

aaaaaaeeeeehaaaaa I have to start writing my paper!

I NEVER learn! I HAVE got to get better at student...ing! I could argue that I'm fighting "the man" in not studying and procrastinating to the point of this ridiculous hour... I haven't even read the middle ages yet!

AAAAH it is soooooo dull! I made up my mind to sit at home and do some work today and not go out for delightful jubilance and hi-jinx as I usually would on a Saturday night; It all started so well as I got out of bed at noon, but them I realized there was a Ned Flanders Simpsons marathon on Viasat 4 and I knew I was screwed...

List of things I find the time to do instead of writing the paper do on Monday:

-Watch Simpsons marathon
-Clean apartment (In my defence it was disgustingly overdo...)
- Read 154 blog posts on Bloglovin'
- Reflect upon the name Roxy (What my brother named his freshly birthed baby-girl)

Roxy Music (Band), Roxy Hunter (Annoying Nikelodeon kid), Roxy (duuuude), Roxy Hart (He had it coming...)
I see great things in her future!

- Figure out my new haircut and style

Thank you Aggy!
I've wanted to refresh my hair again for some time now, but have been in doubt as to what style/celeb to mimic for some time now; but as always "when in doubt, google-blog Agyness Deyn"

- Bid on Australian vintage clothes on e-bay
- Peruse Asos.com
- Go to the grocery store to buy Coco Puffs, candy and Gøteborg Rapé snus
- Drink wine
- Blog...

Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and what's-his-face: Your paper will be halfassed if finished at all and I'm truly sorry. I lack the discipline and inspiration philosophy requires and now I'm going to watch Mallrats.
Hare Krishna

Soon to be University drop-out Siren

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