I read up on what Team Models wanted from an applicant and naively took a picture of my weird, but bonestructurally decent face, with a crooked smile and very little make-up bestowed upon it; a full length picture of myself in a tight dress and high heels was obligatory so I obliged. It was unquestionable amateur, but they said that's what they wanted. My waist looked tiny, my legs superfluously long and my eyes with almost equally open lids. What more can they ask for?
Sadly this was the reply I got:
Hei Siren.
Takk for din henvendelse til oss.
Det er nok i seneste laget å prøve seg som modell når man har blitt 22 år. De aller fleste modellene starter når de er
15/16 år , og er ganske proffe når de har nådd din alder. Det blri vanskelig å konkurrere med......
Vi har også sett på bildene dine, og må dessverre beklage, men du er ikke rett type for oss.
Eivor(AND here is the Google Translate version of this unfortunate kick in the pants... To make it less depressing!)
Hey Siren.
Thank you for your inquiry to us.
It is NOK in the latest team to try out as a model when one has been 22 years. Most models start when they are
15/16 years, and is very professional when they have reached your age. It blri difficult to compete with ......
We have also looked at your pictures, and must, unfortunately, sorry, but you are not the right type for us.
Needless to say Eivor is a shit. Is there anything worse than ...... in an e-mail like this? Like I'm this ridiculous obece 75year old transvestite with a gland problem. I know I'm reading to much into this, but I feel as though he's mocking me like one would mock an Idol/Fear Factor contestant with the look of the Elephant Man and the voice of, well... me! Telling me I'm to old wasn't enough for him; he really needed to tell me that my look and pictures where crap as well.
The annoying thing is that I really wasn't bothered with the prospects of work or success in modelling. It is not my profession of choice, but now that this ass-faced douche told me I wasn't young and model-ly enough, I suddenly want to be a model! I want to succeed against the odds and prove this semi-anonymous man wrong..(?!)
My brainbox must have short-circuited somewhere along the way. Welly-welly-well, professional help is being sought!
And just to put the diarrhoea-cherry on top of this shit-sundae; I have inexplicably lost my doink-buddy without explanation and the second I this dawned upon me I realized how much I want him whom I can't have. It's ridiculaaaaaaaas!
Hare Krishna
(Russell Brand eye-candy because I'm sad)
når/hvis jeg blir (ordentlig) fotograf en dag, vil jeg gledlig bruke deg som modell!