tirsdag 21. juli 2009

Said I never wanted to get married, but...

If I can have this on top of my wedding cake I might reconsider the whole bizarre tradition of spending obscene amounts of money for a piece of paper your most likely to exchange for a less romantic separation/divorce paper after a few regretful years!

It's incredible! You might look at it and find it slightly disturbing, but look at the detail on it: bullet-holes, blood, flowers, doves, skeleton poking through dead skin, the ghostly dead zombie eyes and the detail on the wedding outfits (especially the tuxedo).
It's serene and sends a modern message of "ever after"!

Sadly it's sold out, but knowing Etsy to be a place for insane artists to go extra nutter-butter, there will be more! Even though its sold out here is the link for the Zombie Bride and Groom

I'm THIS happy to be back on the web, subconsciously thinking of marrying it!

Hare Krishna


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