onsdag 17. juni 2009

The Merchant of stupid-grumpy-old-people-hell

I should know better by now, but as I was looking for a BFF worthy perfume for summer I stupidly seeked guidance from a perfume-merchant in Parfymelle or whatever the store next to Platekompaniets called.

To be fair I didn't really seek so much as give in to this elderly womans guidance in the perfume war. She asked me what I was looking fore: Perfume for a vibrant 22 year old woman, whose birthday is tomorrow (today, happy Birthday!). Price: Don't know, only criteria is that is smells magnificent, enchanting, replicates the AXE comercials with every spray.

She looked at me humourlessly for a second... I knew something was askew... Then she pointed at something on the wall behind the counter and mumbled without a change in her voice and her murky, rugged, robot face emotionless, but with a hint something a assumed to be grumpy: "Værsays, this is very popular, green værsays."
I looked at the popular object this enchanting woman war pointing at to seeVærsays...

It smells OK, a bit to rich and strong for my taste, nevertheless a fair choice for the modern woman (although, maybe not a 22, more like 32). After I had refused the perfume she commenced the shower-cream/body lotion rambling. Although I told her explicitly that the only cosmetic product I wanted to look at where perfumes she still showed me four different shower products I did not care to look at.

"How much is the Gucci Eau de Parfum in the cute little pink bottle?" I recieved some mumbling in reply before she turned and said: "How about a nice Tommy Girl perfume?"

That's when I left. I hate people whom don't take me seriously... It might be hard to believe, but sometimes I actually can have an adult conversation if I put my mind to it! She didn't even spray the little paper thingies to let me smell the perfumes!! If you have had the same crappy job for forty years IT IS YOUR OWN FAULT, don't take it out on the shoppers.

Hary Krissn


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