After refusing to have anything to do with the University of Oslo all Christmas I didn't realize how long my vacation actually is until yesterday. My first class starts the 17th of January; how ridiculous is that? After torturing me with exams until less that a week from Christmas Eve they're now forcing me to do something stupid, first thing in the new year, with all this free time!

Whilst on the topic of stupidity, I, being an easily depressed and somewhat spontaneous reactionary person had the honor of watching myself, like a fly on the wall with no say in my own actions, step into the new year by being bitchy to my "diddle-buddy" our last moments together before he fucks off to conquer the Americas and forge for academic gold in the vast hills of California; and later that day I would buy a weekend trip to Barcelona out of the blue.

Granted the trip to Barcelona, with a certain blond bombshell, will be awesome, but I still feel like some intence therapy is in order, or at least some New Years Resolutions! (Especially after I managed to convince myself I actually looked like Hitler after dressing up like him on Halloween and ending up cutting my hair in yet another
twelve-year old boy/nineties flat-chested chick from Baywatch sort of way in Bergen at the end of 2010; I'd show you a picture, but my current hair has been through both sleep and sex, so it is really not fit for viewing)

- Try being being a little bit less of a bitch in emotional and stressful situations
- Stop being Eyjafjellajøkul of grumpiness in the morning
- Buy no more than one pair of shoes a month
- Stop being so easy to steal from
- Start using the kitchen for more than storage-space
- Start doing Yoga, no matter how embarrassingly stiff I inevitably will be in the beginning
- Read more non-curriculum
- Finish Bachelors Degree
- Write more
- Eat healthier and more
- Work out more
- Get over fear of old people, babies and short people
- Write angry letter about TV2bliss or change gender
- Be more approachable

That's a start isn't it? I won't say anything about my reckless drinking and what inevitably goes with it because we are young and I refuse to take life too seriously at this stage!
Hare Krishna