onsdag 19. mai 2010

Sunny outrage!

First of all, why in the world can anyone hunker down their buttocks on uncomfortable chairs in stuffy asbestos-covered shitholes like Sophus Bugges on a day like this? Is it the incessant clickety-clack of the girl in high heels going outside ta talk on the phone every twenty minutes or perhaps the feel of other people stress-levels reaching that of cold-sweats and frantic note-deciphering too?

I slept in, had a nice breakfast, realized it was already 11 o'clock and that there was no chance in hell I would be able to find a seat at Blindern; but instead of freaking out, I just packed my backpack full of fruit, a thermos and some sandwiches and went a-wanderin' with my head held high and a backpack stuffet with curriculum. It was awesome! It was Kubaparken! I was in the sun, laying down on my blanket with the smell of newly mowed grass intoxicating my nostrils with sneezy joy.

Not even the communist jibberish of Jean-Luc Nancy could get me down. Every time during his text that I felt like burning the book and hunting down him and his family for wasting my time so arrogantly, I just turned around on my planket, felt the warm sun on my face and closed my eyes for a few minutes. The sun drained my hatred and filled it with contentment.

The only downer of the day was right before I left, when a party-swede couple laid down quite close to me and fell asleep with ENERGY radio station blaring from their phone/speaker. (Rhiannas new song sucks...)

But now my cheeks are glowing pink and evermore freckly and have actually read something pertaining to my exam for once. Hopefully I will not have to set foot in any of those baltic airport looking libraries before exams, if the weather holds up!

Hare Krishna

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