Oh sweet internet, has it been that long? I have been internet-less for almost a week today; it stopped working last Monday whilst I was in the midst of a week of two papers due at university. It was as is God was punishing me for being one of the lucky...well, many able to see Alice in Wonderland before its premier. Therefore I am now sitting in a beer/rave drenched computer room at the student radio craphole where I work (at least I don't need to wear make-up here, because I'm not here nearly enough for anyone to recognize me).
This is all beside the point of this post, because I'm really just popping by the internet to show you the pictures the lovely Anette Schive took of me last Saturday (right after seeing that man get chopped into tiny pieces by a moving train). She made me feel at ease under the circumstances and I think the pictures came out rather well:

Anette "the photographer" Schive has magical lensic powers. I assume you've seen some of my tagged images on facebook, how that gollum-like ugly duckling turned into the swan you see in these images, you'll have to ask Anette. See move of her work
here, as well as contact information.
Pray for me in my internetless existence, Hare Krishna
sykt fine!:)
SvarSlettFantastisk fine bilder, Siren! You look super hot!
SvarSlett- Cath
Tusen takk :D:D Super cold makes me super hot!