I don't know if you remember my disappointment and aggravation from an earlier post where I had sent over some ridiculously amateur self-portraits to a modelling agency to see the lay of the land. Could I use my tall and thin for anything? Apparently I couldn't...
I was floored yesterday when as I was checking my e-mail because there it was: a request for me to model! It is of course not paid or anything, but I get to help aspiring photographers and stylists, AND I get to keep the pictures they take of me all decked out by magical stylists with help from an even more magical stylist! FUN FUN FUN!
Tirsdag 10. november skal motekonsulent-klassen på Utdanningshuset ha en workshop med stylist Margrethe Gilboe (før att få se jobb hon gjort gå in på www.pudder.org) som underviser i fashion-styling, og fem stk fotografer fra Bilder nordic sin toårige mote og reklamelinje som skal ta bildene som så ni modeller får.
I have never taken a semi-professional picture before and I'm so excited!
Hare Krishna
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for 5 timer siden
Gratulerer! :D That's awesome!