I know this is starting to look more and more like a boring Charlotte Thorstvedt-like "look-at-me-I'm-so-cool-for nothing" diary, but bare with me; I don't have anything interesting to say so write about myself. Maybe I should start writing in third person as to not sound like such a douch. We'll have to see what the future holds...!
Back to look-at-me'ness:
About two months ago I did a photo shoot with Kevin Azzopardi from
Sum of Itself, but because I'm a complete dumbass, I don't know how to download the actual photos, but for now this is the cropped close-up of me (that Julie from my agency put out on my page) and "evil-waiter-Judas" in our pro-animal rights ad-vertorial. The T-Shirt I'm wearing says something clever about being a vegetarian and will be sold somewhere on the internet pretty darn soon.

More to come,hopefully, when I figure out the internet...
Hare Krishna