The day is finally here; I'ts time for Devendra Banhart at Rockefeller! MY GOD I LOVE A BEARDED MAN! I've started drinking and this night is going to be aaaaaaaaaaaaawesome!
As I'm feeling the dreadful summer-depression devouring more and more of my soul as the summer grows hotter and darker, work is nowhere to be seen except on the odd weekend when I desperately want to socialize with the jobs galore fuckers that I know (I love you, I don't mean it, well I kind of do, I hate you all, fuck you all, WHERE IS MY VALIUM?) here in Oslo; I've started cherishing the little things in life (and of course violently mocking my fuck-buddy and treating him like crap over the weekend even though I actually rather like him...), like what happened on the bus today. As I was on the bus trying to look inconspicuous and like any other ticketholding passenger, staring intently out the window with sunglasses on and with my music on full blast whilst gritting my teeth, a stunningly gorgeous man in his mid-twenties with a scruffy afternoon shadow sat down next to me. I was taking the bus all the way from Skøyen so when we hit Jernbanetorrget, we had been sitting together for a while. Suddenly he turned to me, touched my arm and said:
In Swedish "Hey, you have really gorgeous hair." Turning away from the window and picking my music out of my ears "Sorry, what?" "You have really gorgeous hair, is it colored or natural?" Puzzled "Somewhere in between I think.." "It's pretty, so what do you do?" And from there it went on. He was charming and I was reluctant until the bus his Hausmanns gate where he said he had to get off at the next stop. "Would you like to go get some ice cream or something sometime?" Needless to say I was still confused at the situation of being hit on in a bus, by this incredibly hot (I can only assume "party-) swede," but I was so lost in his hotness and impressed by a man who hits on a girl whose headphones blare with music and whom stares intensely out a window blatantly pretending he doesn't exist that I actually said yes and gave him my REAL number. I doubt I'll text him back if he actually tries to contact me, but it was a nice ego-boost for me, and let's be honest, it probably was for him too.
Here's to party-swedes with too much confidence and slightly sub-par social antennae!
One, such as me, might not realize how small my beautiful Oslo actually is. My even more stunning, Bergen (Where I come from) is just a pimple of beauty in an already acned face. Norway in other words, is gorgeous! It is however very small with some green but mostly blue and is mostly unpopulated; much like planet earth in the inconceivably large solar system. I'll call Norway the planet earth of the planet earth.
How did I get to this realization you ask? Photo/fashion-bloggers naturally. We've all heard of FACEHUNTER running around the big cities like New York and Paris taking incredible pictures of stunning ladies with incredible style. One photo by THE COBRASNAKE in a party in LA or New York could make your career if your anything along the lines of model, actress, singer, designer or stylist. In Oslo, what happens is that some kind of second rate photographer (in my case, a girl that also spends her days working at Monki, Bik Bok or something) takes a photo of you at EVERY party for the pleasure of absolutely no one except yourself...
How do I know Oslo is a small city trying so hard to catch up with older brothers Stockholm and Copenhagen? I'm the Waldo of Where's Waldo at the parties of Oslo...
I'm being slightly hipocrytical now thought, because naturally I like having my picture taken, but it is funny that I keep popping up everywhere even though I'm just an overly douchy aesthetics student, part-time model and soon to be barista; and there's more streetstyle to come!