As finally finished my excruciatingly boring exam period at Friday about noon and now sit back in my evil-genius chair, petting my imaginary cat; I contemplate how truly delicious it is that I wrote eleven pages of utter bullshit that some poor sod (or several) has to read and take seriously. This makes my evil blood boil with pleasure and what's more I shall get a fail grade on this paper and send a
official complaint so that mooooore mousy academics have to read that piece of utter nonsense and again take it seriously! MUHAHAHAH! If only I would use my genius for good the world could be a better place!
Later that Friday..
On a slightly more disturbing note, I went to a catwalk workshop last Friday night and what I saw there was somewhat like something out of a pageant show for little girls. Luckily the girls in question where fourteen, but it was still a surreal experience.
I did have some trepidation about what would meet me at the workshop, if I would be ol' grandma' Siren in a room full of perky tweens. There were no tweens, but a room where the age started at fourteen and ended on twenty-six so I did not feel like a grandma' but a sceptical elderly aunt staring down at padded bras and young wobbling feet in high heels.
The slightly disturbing part however was seeing the parents and younger siblings of the youngest participants of the workshop. They all sat behind a glass door, chatting with one-another in a passive-aggressive "my little girl could whip your little girl off the catwalk with the bat of her fakily eyelashed eyelid" and grinning like caged monkeys while their little girls do their best to flirt with the end of the runway, shake their hips and clench their bum-cheeks "like your trying to close the hole."
It might be the 22year old model bitch in me speaking in a jelous stupor of my lost modeling youth, but I think one should wait untill one is at least out of the ungdomsskole diaper and as a freshfaced pimply sixteen-year old could start the journey down the runway.
I know I didn't understand nor love my pasty thin body at fourteen, luckily I've had eight years of that exact pasty, non-boobed body to get used to it... But as cool as the catwalk coach said my androgynous look and body was I need to practice my walk because I stick my head forward when I walk, somewhat like an angry swan!

Hare Krishna